讲座题目:When to Schedule Attention Instrument for learning: A Field Experiment
内容摘要:How to improve students’engagement and performance is a central question in education and it becomes even more challenging after COVID-19 pandemic. In this field experiment, we utilize a cognitively taxing task: notes-taking, to draw students' attention in the class, and examine how the timing of assigned task affects their performance and learning dynamics. We find that assigning to later weeks help improve final grades for low-ability (impatient) students, not for high-ability (patient) ones. One underlying driving force is the learning behavioral change for these students, e.g., they tend to submit their homework earlier than before.
主讲人简介:刘潇,清华大学经济管理学院经济系副教授。于2006年获得中国人民大学学士学位,2012年获得密歇根大学博士学位。主要研究兴趣包括:实验和行为经济学,市场设计和博弈论,论文发表在Management Science, Games and EconomicBehavior等杂志。目前担任Journal of Behavioral andExperimental Economics编委。