[Abstract]Consumers may face demand uncertainty when choosing a service plan under three-part tariffs, and preferences for multiple services may be inter-dependent. To examine such a demand system, we construct a twostage discrete/continuous choice model for service bundles, allowing for interactive utility andpreference correlations. Implementing a piecewise maximization approach to consumers’ non-differentiable utility maximization problem, we estimate the model via simulated method of moments. We empirically illustrate the model using data from a Chinese wireless service provider. Our counterfactual analysis shows that the three-part tariffs with interchangeable units show nosignificant loss of revenue, compared to existing tariffs.
本文2020年2月正式发表于The Journal of Industrial Economics, 该期刊为999策略白菜手机论坛B+类期刊,经济系特聘副研究员陈亮为本文第一作者。